Residential Group Retreats – 2025

Join us in the beautiful village of Beal in North Yorkshire for either 3 or 6 nights at one of our guided retreats. You will have:

Your own ensuite room with dedicated writing facilities
All meals and refreshments included
One-to-one time each day with our writer-in-residence (optional)
Daily 45 minute workshop (optional)
Welcome bag on arrival
Quiet communal spaces to write, away from your room
Lovely countryside walks
Most dietary requirements catered for
We welcome writers at any stage in their writing journey. Reserve your 2024 space today….

Scheduled Retreats:

8th January, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

20th January, 2025, 5 Night Retreat

30th January, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

6th February, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

20th February, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

SPRING Retreats

6th March, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

17th March, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

28th March, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

4th April, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

14th April, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

24th April, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

9th May, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

19th May, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

29th May, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

SUMMER Retreats

5th June, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

16th June, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

26th June, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

3rd July, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

14th July, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

24th July, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

7th August, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

18th August, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

28th August, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

AUTUMN Retreats

11th September, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

22nd September, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

2nd October, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

13th October, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

23rd October, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

WINTER Retreats

6th November, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

17th November, 2025, 6 Night Retreat

27th November, 2025, 3 Night Retreat

Christmas Fun….

5th December, 2025, 6 Night Retreat