How many of us say we want to write? Often, though, no matter how much you want to write, whether it’s poetry, short stories, novels or non-fiction, daily life gets in the way. We procrastinate, get distracted, give in to having no time, along with many other reasons (or are they excuses?).
A good writer’s retreat offers you the dedicated time to spend just on your writing, whatever, the genre. You should be offered a private writing space in your room, so you can write independently without distraction. Some will also offer you shared writing spaces, where you can work in a wider, less isolated environment, which is a great benefit of a retreat, over working on your own at home. Social gatherings for the writers on the retreat opens up new connections for you. Many retreats will involve both new and experienced writers and everyone has something to teach the others, whether it’s their experience, outlook or processes for writing, so this is a great opportunity to get involved with others sharing the same or a similar passion.
The best retreats are those that cater for your every need. Yes, you need time away from your pad/pen/laptop, but you can do household chores at home, so opt for one that includes all your meals without you having to cook or take a turn at washing up!
Paying for a retreat focuses the mind and gets you writing. To turn up and leave with a blank page would, be a waste of money. So, not only is it a break from home, it’s a great incentive to actually get words on the page.
It’s easy to become stale working in the same writing location day-in, day-out. Where ever you live, travelling to new and fresh places can be an immediate source of inspiration.
Make 2019 your year to start and complete that creative work. Find a great writer’s retreat, book a place, meet new authors and succeed!