Anon-Art the newest marketplace for buying and selling works of art has just launched. Why is it different? With Anon-Art, the sale is done anonymously which means people are buying the art because they love the look of it, rather than focusing on a name or an individual. This is a great way for establishing artists to build a name for themselves and also for established artists to confirm that their work is selling because of the art and not their name! has been brought to life by Jess Birley, as 21 year old budding artist who has her own unique style. When asked where the idea came from, Jess said:
“I love art and I wanted to do something that would contribute in a positive way to the industry. It’s can be really hard for new artists to get a foothold in the market and be able make their works stand out amongst the more well known artists. That’s where the idea of an anonymous auction came from. With art works displayed on a worldwide platform on a level playing field, the name of the artist is taken out of the buying equation.”
Buying on Anon-Art is a great opportunity to potentially land on a great investment for the future. When bidding, the buyer has no idea whether they are buying a Banksy or a John Smith. Only when the auction is completed, is the artist’s name revealed.
The concept has taken over a year to come to fruition and Jess has worked with a small family team to design and build the new platform ready for its release.
It’s free to sign up for an account, it’s free to buy and it’s free to post an item for sale. Sellers only pay a commission on completed sales.
Support a young business woman and the listed artists by visiting If you like some of the art, place a bid!
Anon-Art Ltd is supported by Writers’ Retreat – Principus-Studios.