If you, like me, are a writer trying to publish your own works, you will, most likely, need to create a pdf version of your manuscript, particularly if you plan to produce paperbacks. Even if you choose not to have your book printed in a print run, you might choose the print-on-demand service from Amazon, so you’ll need a pdf version.
When saving a PDF version, you need to make sure that the it comes out the right size. Saving a PDF from a Microsoft Word document will automatically default to an A4 page size, irrespective of the size you’ve specified in the page setup of the Word document. It took me ages to find help on how to solve this problem so I thought I’d share it here to help others. To retain the page size for your finished book:
1/ select all of the text (press CTRL + A on Windows or cmd+A on a Mac)
2/ Open the File menu & choose Print
3/ In the Pages section choose Selection
4/ In the bottom left corner, from the pull-down list, choose Save to PDF
5/ Click Print
Hey presto! You will have a correctly formatted PDF version of your manuscript.