SLAMinutes Gender: Spectrum – The Performance

Writers’ Retreat UK’s very own Jan Birley (under her writing pseudonym, Josie King), had her one minute monologue performed at the Crescent Theatre, The Vaults in London yesterday in a production that centred around the gender spectrum. SLAMinutes present a range of performance types, including, song, poetry, spoken word, plays and monologues. There were thirty,…Continue reading SLAMinutes Gender: Spectrum – The Performance

Film London – Lodestars

Writers’ Retreat UK was delighted to sponsor Film London Lodestars which saw 30 London-based creators and practitioners from across the capital recognised for their work in fields across the spectrum of directors, writers, producers, casting, performers and gaming. Writers’ Retreat sponsored the Writers category.  The event took place in Covent Garden’s h Club and those…Continue reading Film London – Lodestars

Writers' Retreat UK Sponsors Film London Lodestars

Film London: In-Kind Sponsorship

Writers’ Retreat UK is delighted to be offering in-kind sponsorship for Film London’s Lodestars. Lodestars recognises the wealth of talent across London’s screen industries celebrating a variety of successes. Writers’ Retreat UK is keen to support great initiatives across the breadth of the writing landscape and offer opportunities for developing writers to have access to…Continue reading Film London: In-Kind Sponsorship

Writers’ Retreat UK does SLAMinutes in London

Writers’ Retreat UK’s very own Jan Birley has a performance piece being delivered at the next SLAMinutes evening on Sunday 23rd February in London. SLAM Kings X, who deliver the SLAMinutes performances have selected 30 creative, one-minute works to be performed under the subject of Gender Identity. Not a performer, herself, Jan’s work will be…Continue reading Writers’ Retreat UK does SLAMinutes in London