Short Story Competition 2nd Place – A Contemplation of Rain and Ducks by Ruth Brandt

A Contemplation of Rain and Ducks The rain kept on raining. Geraldine kicked at the puddles. “Fuck this weather,” she said. “Fit for fucking ducks.” A drake mallard waddled onto the pathway. “Good morning, Geraldine,” he said. “Fucking great,” Geraldine said. “A talking duck.” “Deux langues,” he elaborated. “No idea what you’re saying.” She flicked…Continue reading Short Story Competition 2nd Place – A Contemplation of Rain and Ducks by Ruth Brandt

Short Story Competition Winner – Milk Without Honey

Writers’ Retreat UK is proud to present the winning entry in our first short story competition of 2020: Milk without Honey by Philippa Kelly The wind blew extraordinarily hot for late October. It left Cairo feeling tinderbox dry. This intensified the usual franticness of the days’ activities, pedestrians spilled from the pavement into gridlocked traffic.…Continue reading Short Story Competition Winner – Milk Without Honey